Thursday, March 22, 2012

And yet another...

Hello everyone, it's me again!!!( Olivia ) My mom finally agreed to let post another one of my favored entries.
Well, The Bicknell house is joined with yet another trouble maker... Collier!!! While I'm still wondering when he ever got his first tooth, he is up to bigger and better things. Walking, throwing, running, laughing, and crawling faster than ever. Yesterday he somehow managed to get himself stuck in the piano bench! Yes, there were quite a few tears during that. If this is year one, then I'm afraid to reach the terrible two's stage. And, having a messy house doesn't really help. I don't think we've ever really put the winter clothes away, but I'll stand back on that one. It was my idea to get out the summer ones and clothes seem to be in a heap in every bedroom!

Wish me luck with my crazier-than-ever family,

Olivia Bicknell

Ummm, yeah! I really don't think Collier liked the turtle...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

He Walks!

This video is a couple of weeks old, but I couldn't resist sharing it - our little boy has become a walking machine! He has been able to take a few steps here and there for quite awhile now, but in the last 2 weeks or so, he has become very confident. And sooo proud of himself! :)

This video was taken a few minutes after snack time. Collier walks over to his high chair and finds a couple of goldfish crackers in the seat. And yep, he eats them. :)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Olivia is 11 and our trip to the big D!

Last week our sweet girl, Olivia, turned 11. WOW! She is getting so grown up. We also made a trip to Dallas to watch her sing in the SWACDA honor choir event with other 5th-7th graders. What an amazing concert that was! She made it through about 20 hours of rehearsal from Wednesday to Saturday, plus the concert. I think it's fair to say she was worn out by the end, but she had a great time. On our way home from Dallas (with the grandmas in tow, too) we stopped in Paris for some sight-seeing and then a birthday dinner for Olivia. Oh! And on Sunday we had a yummy Baskin Robbins ice cream cake, too! Here are a few of the moments we captured... (Probably out of order - and since I'm having trouble with iPhoto they are sideways, too! Oops!)