It is so hard to believe our baby boy is already 1! And here it is a month out and I'm just now uploading some photos. Bad mommy!! :(
Collier's 1 year stats:
-Length: 31 inches (90th percentile)
-Weight: 23 pounds, 11.5 oz (55th percentile)
-Head Circumference: Extra large (95th percentile)
Shortly after his b-day he sprouted his first tooth - one of the top middle ones, and now has the other top tooth. There may be more in there by now, but he's certainly not going to let me check!
-Climbing stairs (and he is FAST, too!)
-Sisters, especially Olivia - they have a really awesome bond
-Table Foods, especially baked fish, noodles, cheese, and graham crackers
-Cleaning out/Sitting in every cabinet in this house. We have moved almost everything out of the base cabinets. It's normal to have toiletries and cleaning supplies in your clothes closet, right? :)
-Outside - I think this guy would live out there if we would let him! He got a new swing for his birthday that hangs in our big tree outside and he loves it!
-Bottles - somehow it seems he's drinking less and less from the bottle. He still nurses well, thankfully.
-Shoes - let's just say a major tantrum ensues...
What a joy you have been the last year and continue to be, Collier John! xoxo