Sunday, April 17, 2011

A busy, busy Saturday...

This weekend, our favorite color was ORANGE! My yellow striped belts became orange belts in Taekwando. So proud of them all! Joel got a trophy for "best sparring" again - two times in a row! The girls did great. The first part of testing is performing the "forms" they have to memorize. It's just a series of movements and it changes with each belt color. The second part of testing is board breaking. Each testing uses a different type of kick or punch. This time it was a more difficult kick. The third part of testing is the sparring. My girls aren't crazy about that part, but they always seem to make it through just fine!

1 comment:

Jan said...

Cool!!!! We just watched the newish Karate Kid yesterday and here you all are! What a great activity for all!